Welcome To Good Luck Token

Good Luck Token is an Ethereum (ERC20) token that was created to bring good luck and prosperity to the person who possesses it. Think of this lucky token as your very own virtual good luck coin that can never be lost, stolen, swiped, forgotten or misplaced. The more LUCK tokens you own, the more fortunate you might be! And the neat thing about luck is that it doesn’t only apply to the crypto-sphere. We want those who hold LUCK tokens to be touched by fortune in ways that inspire, prompt and promote happiness.

Long gone are the days of carrying physical coins, magic crystals, heavy relics and other types of good luck objects. Carry on and prosper knowing your personal stash of lucky tokens is held safely and securely within your virtual Ethereum wallet.

We all know luck isn’t limitless, which is why there are only 888,888,888 Good Luck Tokens available. Once they’re gone, they’re gone. Feeling lucky yet? Now’s your chance to cash in on your luck and be one of the first people to own lucky crypto tokens. Contribute to our collective project by swapping some of your ETH for good LUCK tokens today!

Though you can hold or trade as many LUCK tokens as you would like, we ask that you leave a little bit of LUCK for others to claim. Want to learn more about who we are and how our Ethereum token project works? Keep reading!

What Can I Do With LUCK Tokens?
Good Luck Token is a standard ERC-20 token, so you can hold them or transfer them.

Will There Be An ICO Or Crowdsale?
We want to keep things simple while still making it possible for anyone around the world to hold our virtual good luck tokens. That means we will not have an ICO (initial coin offering), IEO (initial exchange offering), crowdsale, private sale, or anything similar. Instead, a designated percentage of tokens will be offered through our website at a fixed rate in exchange for Ethereum (ETH) contributions made by those wanting to own LUCK tokens. Consider this our Presale event since it is currently the only way to hold Good Luck Token. If enough contributions are made, we’ve designated another percentage of tokens to be offered through exchanges. There is no soft/hard cap, no fundraising goal, no start/end date, or anything else you might find in your usual ICO. It’s just a digital token that anyone can get from our website, and soon some exchanges too!

What Does A LUCK Token Trade For?
Tokens will be released through our website in rounds of 10 Million, with the rate per token increasing $0.01 USD each round. The initial rate is set at $0.10 USD per token (roughly 0.00003 ETH/each or 30,000 LUCK tokens per 1 ETH). Once 10 million tokens have been claimed, 10 million more will become available for $0.11 USD per token, and so on until all 37.5% (333,333,333 LUCK tokens) that were reserved for our website have been swapped. During that period of time, if Good Luck Token is listed on any new exchanges, it will be listed for whatever the current rate is on our website.

How Do I Get LUCK Tokens?
As of now, you can only get LUCK tokens through our website. Swap your Ethereum (ETH) for Good Luck Token (LUCK) here.

How Are LUCK Tokens Being Distributed?
Of the 888,888,888 total token supply, 37.5% (333,333,333 LUCK tokens) are reserved for distribution through our website, 37.5% (333,333,333 LUCK tokens) are reserved for distribution on exchanges, 12.5% (111,111,111 LUCK tokens) are reserved for developers, and the final 12.5% (111,111,111 LUCK tokens) are reserved for giveaways and airdrops.

Is Good Luck Token Listed On Any Exchanges?
Not at the moment. Although we want to make Good Luck Token as widely available as possible, most exchanges require smart contracts and liquidity. Funds raised from website swaps will be used to cover those costs and get LUCK token listed.

Still skeptical? We get it. Even if you think luck is real, you might find yourself resisting the temptation to give into what you consider a delusion. It’s all a matter of the mind, really. Believe it or not, some research has indicated superstitious people are some of the happiest people on the planet. Many researchers and analysts claim those who feel they are lucky are more charismatic, more charming, more approachable and generally more benevolent in nature. Others are instinctually drawn to superstitious people because they exude an irresistible combination of confidence, magnetic poise and self-assured hubris. Level up with some virtual luck! Swap some of your Ethereum for Good Luck Tokens to collect, trade and store your lucky coins electronically.